Home remedy, all natural non-toxic, for cleaning stainless:
Stainless steel appliances add a wonderful spice to any kitchen. Unfortunately, we feel as if it’s attracted to finger smudges and other dull looking blemishes. We’ve all been complaining about our nasty, spotty stainless steel appliances for a while now, yet, we still keep on purchasing these stainless steel appliances and adding them to our kitchen. It’s a never ending cycle for us. Luckily, our awesome residential house cleaning maids in the Austin, Round Rock, Georgetown, and other surrounding areas have found this great tip in polishing stainless steel appliances by just using olive oil. Here is a quick overview on how to clean stainless steel appliances and make them look as if they’ve just been bought.
Stainless steel is very porous, and needs moisture, BUT NO WATER or Windex. If water gets into the pores of stainless then the stainless can rust. It Needs oil. We like to compare it to a person who has dry skin. They have to moisturize it so the lotion or oil can soak into their pores and BAM their skin is soft and appears very healthy. Stainless steel is the same way.
There are many natural oils you can use on Stainless appliances for when you decide to do some housecleaning, but our Maids and Moore maids like to use Olive Oil because it is a very common pantry item. Take a microfiber cloth, or soft cloth, and saturate a “quarter size” with olive oil. Wipe with the grain of the stainless, and repeat until stainless is nice and shiny. You May need to reapply olive oil to the rag several times.
Although; I am not discouraging the use of “stainless steel market products”, because a lot of them are very good products, just make sure that you choose one that has an oily base. The stainless steel wipes do not have enough moisture and tend to leave streaks. Olive Oil can be pricey and it may be more cost effective to use a “market product”, but if you are in a pinch, don’t forget about the Olive oil in the pantry.
This tip is an easy and simple way to clean because you won’t run into random chemicals that are almost always found in regular house cleaning products that leave stray marks on your appliances. Also, since olive oil is used by many to cook and you already have some in your pantry, then it most likely helps with money spending.