Cheap and Safe way to get rid of Mildew

To clean mildew, you’ll need some distilled white vinegar, an empty spray bottle, baking soda, gloves, and an aggressively abrasive sponge.

Fill the empty spray bottle with the white vinegar and don’t dilute. Liberally spray all the affected areas.

When the vinegar has had time to set, dampen your scrubbing sponge with hot water and load it with baking soda. I give the mildew one last taste of vinegar, and then scrub away. The most important mildew-cleaning ingredient here is of course elbow grease.

While you’re at it, you may as well clean the area of dirt and soap scum ring. Vinegar and baking soda is the way to go even if you’re not trying to clean mildew, but just every day, ordinary filth.

Step back and enjoy it!!

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