Bell county Cleaning company offers free service for women with cancer

We are proud to announce that Maids and Moore Cleaning Services in Bell County, was featured on KWTX 10 news to make our community aware that we are offering free cleanings thru a non-profit organization for women battling cancer.

Maids and Moore partnered up with Cleaning For A Reason in 2008 and has been able to serve over 50 women over our three divisions in Bell, Travis, and Montgomery Counties by providing up to 4 free cleanings to our patient.

Mr. Stanley Hilbig is the husband of our previous patient, Joan Hilbig, who lost her battle with cancer 6 months ago.  He said his wife used Maids and Moore while she was being treated for cancer and the last thing she wanted to do while she was being treated was to clean the house.

During our time of service to the Hilbigs, Joan left our maids the most uplifting compliments and her husband Stanley said that the both of them greatly appreciated our services as we were able to do the things the way she liked them that he was not quite able to do.

“The maids did an awesome job…. I was very impressed and they did an amazing job…. If i were to rate it on a scale of 1 to 5 I would give them a 5 being awesome. I am very happy and gratefull for all of your help!” ~Joan Hilbig

“Wonderful the girls did a wonderful job. I am grateful to have Maids and Moore help me. The girls are very pleasant and thorough.” ~Joan Hilbig

“Great job. The maids are really nice and did a nice job.”    ~Joan Hilbig

Holly Moore, Owner of Maids and Moore had the privilege of interviewing with KWTX 10 News Crystal Rosado.  To inform all of our community of the details of Cleaning For A Reason in hopes to raise awareness of the help out there for all women battling cancer.

“We are looking for women battling cancer that are in need of assistance. We want to be able to offer helping hands. It  really helps our maids moral when they can make a difference.”   ~Holly Moore

If you or a woman you know is currently battling cancer and would like to know more click here 

call Maids and Moore

at 1-844 GOT DUST 

or apply here 

To watch our interview with KWTX 10

Click here

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