As we are coming back from sunburns, smiles, and time money can not buy. We realize our summer is coming to an end. It’s now time to start thinking about Back to School. While this is a relief for some to get back in those much needed routines, it can be stressful for others.
It’s that first day back to school, the front door closes behind them. You stop, look around, and you see the piles of I will get to that this summer or after this vacation which are now piles of to-dos. You see stains on the carpet, kisses on the windows, and slobber on those stainless steal appliances.
Maybe for some of you your taking a mature young adult (your baby!!) to college. You walk in and see cobwebs, dirty vents, and baseboards that look like a pet.
No worries mom!! Maids and Moore has you covered. We are professional maids and there is no job too big that we can not handle. Sometimes all we need is a little help to get it back in gear or in the order only moms will approve.
We have trained specialist on stand by Monday thru Friday till 5pm ready to answer all your maids service needs or questions. Simply call 1-844-468-3878 or for a free instant quote or go to and select the instant quote option on the front of our webpage.
Take it from moms who know!! Maids and Moore has you covered!!
New Servicing Travis, Bell, Coryell, and Montgomery County here in Texas