Automated Window Cleaner

What are the important points to consider when buying an automatic window cleaner? To answer that question, you must first understand the basics. For one, a robotic window cleaner combines window cleaning technology with auto movements to clean. With the use of magnets and motor suction technology, the cleaner sticks to the windows. From there it will automatically clean your windows – from all edges. Below are some features in your home to consider before using an automated window cleaner.

The Type Of Glass

Automated Window Cleaner

First, you should consider the kind of glass surface your windows are made of. On one hand, there are models for cleaning uneven surfaces and rough glass surfaces. On the other hand, other models only clean those glossy and smooth surfaces. Is the window surface textured, frosted, filmed or patterned? Whichever the case, you must choose an auto window cleaner that can clean that specific glass surface.

Window Thickness

Besides the glass surface, you should also consider how thick your windows are. Every robot has a certain thickness it can clean. Hence, ensure you accurately measure the thickness of your window. Once you do, select a robotic cleaner that matches that thickness.

Window Shape

An auto window cleaner can only clean large windows that are square shaped. So if the shape of your window is circular or small, then do not buy a robotic cleaner.

Suctions or Magnetic Connectivity

Another point to consider is how the robotic cleaner connects – either magnetic or through suctions. If you go for a cleaner with a motor-powered suction, then you just need to place it on one side. Alternatively, for magnetic connectivity, you must strategically place another magnetic item on the opposite side of the window being cleaned. Each of these options has its benefits and drawbacks. For a motor-powered suction auto cleaner, often times it loses its connection and falls. Hence, you should get a security cord to make sure the auto cleaner stays put.

The Process Of Cleaning

Different robots use different processes of cleaning but most of them use brushes or pads. To make sure the glass surface is streak free and spotless; the robots feature a drying item like a squeegee. How many brushes or pads an auto cleaner has depends on its model. But in most cases, a robotic cleaner features a 2-step process. The first one is to wipe the dirt off and the other is to polish the window. Automated window cleaners have sensors that will tell them when they have reached an edge of the window. The automated technology makes sure the window is being cleaned edge-to-edge, and lets you know when it has finished cleaning.


Though an automatic window cleaner is very convenient, you should consider all these points before you buy one. This is to make sure that you get the right product for your needs. Automatic window cleaners utilize technology to make sure your window is entirely cleaned when it finishes. They are ideal not only for cleaning those hard-to-reach edges but for doing so effectively.

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