Thank You
Please see your quote below. Our office would love to get you set up right away!
Call 1-844-GOT-DUST ext.#1 or send us an Email:
Business hours Mon-Fri. 8:00am to 5:00pm
Date: {date_mdy}
Name: {First Name:20} {Last Name:22}
Email: {Email}
Phone: {Phone}
Zip Code: {Zip Code:21}
Square Footage: {Square Footage}{Square Footage – Realtor}
Location: {What area do you need your clean in?}
Referred by: {How did you hear about us?} {Person Referring} {Name of Realtor} {Name of Radio Station} {Name of BNI member} {What was your prior address?}{Other referral location:23}
Name: {First Name:20} {Last Name:22}
Email: {Email}
Phone: {Phone}
Zip Code: {Zip Code:21}
Square Footage: {Square Footage}{Square Footage – Realtor}
Location: {What area do you need your clean in?}
Referred by: {How did you hear about us?} {Person Referring} {Name of Realtor} {Name of Radio Station} {Name of BNI member} {What was your prior address?}{Other referral location:23}
Quote: plus tax
List clean is a type of cleaning where you decide your budget. In this case you know exactly what you want done, so instead of cleaning the entire home you will supply us a list. Maids and Moore would work in order of priority from #1 being most important, and work our way down the list. We will be working that entire amount of time so please be sure to put plenty on your list so Maids and Moore will have sufficient work thru the preset time frame. It is important to understand we cannot guarantee the list will be completed as it is made by you , but we will do our best in time allowed. List cleans are a set rate and we will block that much time out of our schedule. Your fee will not be prorated, it is a set fee. . Quote includes 2 maids with all the supplies and equipment. Please submit your list at 48 hours prior to the clean. Quote includes 2 maids with all the supplies and equipment.